▲: Medical team
●: Exercise team: Physical Fitness Research Institute of Meiji Yasuda Life Foundation Of Health and Welfare
Occurrence of the Earthquakes and Tsunami
April 3rd
Starting medical care and physical relaxation with going around evacuation center as “Mental care team of Otsuchi”(request from Iwate Mental Health and Welfare Center)
About 15 medical and physical experts participated in Otsuchi every month
▲Consulting and providing medical care to about 680 people
●Doing physical relaxation with about 650 people

End of June
Citizen moved to provisional housing because of closing of shelters
From July
Restructuring of the organization into5 main members of the medical team to continue support with switch from emergent support
The support of the Exercise team suspended.
▲Opening “Consulting room for stress due to the disaster”. Going around provisional housing and houses as needed.Cooperation with the public health institute of Kamaishi and public health nurses in the areas.
●Restarting of Physical care team (request from citizens who we met in shelters)
▲●Starting course of “Tips for good night sleeping”and “Physical relaxation” (Visit community center and provisinal community center cooperated with Social Welfare Council of Otsuchi.)
●Starting to support to nursing home and day-service center (For both users and the staffs).
▲280 cases that we consulted and gave medical care cooperated with life support advisers and public health nurses after shelters were closed.
▲●Training about approach of support (target to health nurses and life support advisers)
●Relaxation for staffs of nursing home for the elder
▲Seminar for union menbers of health insuarance
●Relaxation seminar using balls for life support advisers of Otsuchi Social Welfare Council
▲Active listening seminor for life support advisers of Otsuchi Social Welfare Council
lRequest from Welfare Department of Iwate prefecture office
and Kokoro-no-care Center of Iwate prefecture
▲Planning a series of seminor with the public health nurse in the area
●Yogas for supporters of nursing home.
Sport coaches working in Iwate joined the Exercise team
▲Started planning to work with the local hospitals
▲Started helping the public health nurses about alcohol-related issues in the area
●Seminar of soothing for men (ball・yoga・breathing: In cooperation with Washin Refresh Center & J Circuit)
●Seminor of Yoga and ball relaxation for the nurse association
●Yoga lesson for hospital staff(volunteered by HOT YOGA STUDIO LAVA)
▲Keep holding renewed seminor in the areas with Otsuchi Social Welfare Council following the seminor “Tips of good night sleep”
●Starting to support of day service programm based on Yoga in care home (LAVA team)
▲●Work shop and Physical Relaxation for teachers of the high school
●Physical activity lecture, ‘how to do exercise with the elder’ for life support advisers of Otsuchi Social Welfare Council. (theory and practice)

photo #3
Eric Rechsteiner