Laos Dr. Tipmason Khamvongsa Doctor and Deputy Director, Kuan District Hospital ▶ Currently receiving training at Houaphanh Provincial Hospital to become a District trainer on MNCH Services. She will eventually train Small Hospital Staffs in these services. |
―What can happen to women if there is no health worker?
Many villagers still do not have knowledge on maternal and child health. If they do not receive ANC they will not know if the mother and child will be healthy and safety or not during pregnancy, during birth and after birth. Also many still give birth inside the village (without health worker), and women can die when they give birth, and there is a problem but there is no one (health worker) to help.
―To avoid these problems, what do you want to do?
We will conduct training on how to provide MCH service like ANC, PNC, safe delivery, nutrition and family planning, and how to provide health education for health staff. Then the health staff will conduct health education campaign to the villagers to give more knowledge to the villagers about how take care of their self (women) and encourage them to get MCH service and give birth at hospital.
―You are currently in training on MNCH services. How will the current training help women?
We will apply this training to improve the service in our District hospital and Small Hospitals. We will enhance staff (health worker) capacity so they can provide safe service to pregnant women and children.
―Do you have some words to our readers in Japan?
I would like to thank MdMJ for supporting us on this training and I will train other staff (health workers) so that they know how to help villagers in remote areas to take care of their own health and encourage them to come to the hospital where they will receive good service.

Laos Meevong Duaphowan Nurse and officer at Maternal and Child Health Unit of Xamneua District Health Office ▶ Currently receiving training at Houaphanh Provincial Hospital to become a District trainer on MNCH Services. She will eventually train Small Hospital Staffs in these services. |
―What can happen to women if there is no health worker?
We cannot assume that both women and her child will be healthy when she gives birth. There are many complications and if they do not receive good health care services like family planning, ANC, PNC, delivery of baby with health worker, they can become severely ill or die.
―To avoid these problems, what do you want to do?
First of all, the health worker should have enough knowledge to educate pregnant women so that they understand the advantage of receiving ANC and PNC and giving birth at health facility. When the women come to ANC and we provide good service like monitor of women and baby health, vitamins, and advice, they will know the advantage, and come back again to the health facility for delivery, PNC, family planning etc.
―You are currently in training on MNCH services. How will the current training help women?
I will have more knowledge and become more confident in training other health workers on MNCH and when providing health education. I want to provide health education to all remote villagers, and encourage them to receive maternal and child services at health facilities.
―Do you have some words for our readers in Japan?
I would like to promise that after this training, I will train other health workers at small hospitals so that they can provide good ANC and PNC service and make sure they (heath workers) can safely deliver babies. I want both women and children are safe and healthy. I will continue to provide health education to the villagers, especially to Hmong people (population with higher number of maternal and child mortality) so they know what are the risks to pregnant women and her child if they do not receive health services. If the villagers have knowledge, I am sure it will increase the number of people that will come (to the health facility).